Digital Marketing

Understanding Digital Marketing

Internet use is a regular and multiple times-a-day thing for 75% of Americans. Almost a third of the population is online almost all the time. The digital world is a busy and popular place and that is why digital marketing Brick and elsewhere has so much importance. Whether a business is business to business (B2B) or business to consumer (B2C) there is something you can achieve and leverage with the right digital strategies. Here is a look at what it is, inbound marketing versus digital marketing and more about B2B and B2C strategies.

The definition of digital marketing

Digital marketing is any marketing online using digital methods to connect brands and customers, promote and boost attention. Email, social media platforms, and text messaging are examples of popular strategies. Technically if a marketing approach involves a digital way of communicating then it is a type of digital marketing.

Digital marketing and inbound marketing

Sometimes inbound marketing and digital marketing get muddled because the latter uses a lot of the same things as the former. They both have the same purpose as well, to draw the attention of an audience into taking action. But the difference really comes in how the goal and the tools are perceived. 

Digital marketing, Howell looks at how a digital marketing tool, say social media platform posts can convert possible viewers into customers or prospects. It might involve using one tool or more than one tool. Inbound marketing thinks about the goal first not the tool. Then it looks at what tools can be used to reach that goal most effectively. With a professional expert in marketing, there is no need to choose between the two approaches. It is possible to have a mix of both strategies as they work well together.

B2C and B2B strategies

Both types of businesses can benefit from professional digital marketing Brick 

strategies. However, there can be a slight difference in how it is used depending. 

  • Business-to-business customers or clients take more time to make business decisions and so strategies that focus on building relationships and longer sales funnels are needed. Business-to-customer people however are more positive about short-term deals and shorter messaging.
  • B2B people prefer evidence and facts in strategies directed at them but B2C people respond more to emotional content and things that make them feel good.
  • B2B clients need several people’s input before a decision is made so the material needs to be shareable. B2C customers like to feel a one to one connection.

Whether you are B2B or B2C you need to choose informed marketing strategies and make sure it is geared to the right people. That is how digital marketing Howell or anywhere is most effective and gets the attention of the right people.


With so many people heading online and using their phones and devices to do it frequently, whether you are B2B or B2C you need to have successful digital marketing strategies. With over 5 billion people online there are a lot of people you could be communicating with!

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