eCommerce SEO strategies

Six actionable eCommerce SEO strategies to help your website rank better

In this global pandemic, every major industry took a hit, except for eCommerce. Companies like Amazon, e-bay, Ali Baba, etc., made massive surges ahead in the global eCommerce market. For instance, Amazon, led by Jeff Bezos, swooped an astonishing $570 billion during the pandemic. Similarly, almost every eCommerce company did the same and raked the benefits of global uncertainty. And well designed and adequately implemented eCommerce SEO strategies played a significant role in their success.

So, do you run or manage a similar business and need tips to rank better on the Google search engine? Well, we know a thing or two about eCommerce SEO strategies and would love to share them with you. Therefore, without wasting any further, let’s begin.   

Basics Of SEO & How It Affects Your Ranking!

With Search Engine Optimisation, you can organically rank higher on the keywords that you want to target. Generally, an SEO team will optimise your website’s on-page content and off-page aspects to boost the rankings. That is why you will hear things like technical SEO and on-page SEO in the discussions related to Search Engine Optimisation. 

When you talk about SEO or eCommerce, for that matter, there is no fixed recipe for success. You have to use trial and error methods to see any results. And usually, it takes some time before you can see those results on Google’s ranking. However, a few eCommerce SEO strategies will significantly impact your products’ web page rankings.

  1. Optimise Your Website For Users

Many companies, even the experienced ones, make the mistake of optimising the web pages to please the Google bot. However, this set of practice yields no positive growth for your eCommerce website. And the reason for this is quite simple – Google wants user-friendly optimisation.  The more the user likes scrolling in and around your website, the better it ranks on the search engine.

You need to take lots of metrics, such as dwell time, page visits, bounce rate, page speed, conversions, etc., into consideration. The higher the numbers you have favouring these metrics, the better rank you receive on the search platform.

  1. Top-quality Content Is Must

Even in 2021, the quality of content remains the king. You need to make sure that your website has a good number of engaging blogs on it. It helps your potential customers to know about your product or services. Similarly, it increases the dwell time for those users on your website, which is an excellent thing.

In case you have poorly-written blogs or irrelevant content on your website, you will see the opposite reaction. Google wants to show only those pages on its search results that have high-quality content. And by high-quality, we mean excellent reliability, authenticity, and readability in general. Furthermore, infographics, videos, images, links to e-books helps your cause as well.

  1. Focus On Long-tail Keywords

AS you know, you will find tons of websites for literally every product that you search on Google. For instance, if you type “best Nike shoes”, you will see loads of results pop up in front of you. And you can bet that almost a majority of these search results would be dominated by some of the biggest eCommerce companies. So, optimising your webpage for such a highly competitive keyword doesn’t make any sense.

You can try fantastic eCommerce SEO strategies in such situations, that is, use long-tail keywords. Let’s take the same example that we took earlier, of Nike shoes. You can use long-tail keywords such as “new Nike shoes for kids under $500 budget in India” in your content. In case this is a low-competition keyword, you can easily rank high on it. 

  1. Mobile-friendliness Holds The Key

Never make the mistake of not optimising your website for mobile devices. Today, the majority of the customers shop through mobile apps. And thus, it’s essential to cater to their needs and calibrate accordingly. You will surely see great results when you follow this step and the eCommerce SEO strategies given above.

  1. Seamless Navigation

You must have encountered a website with poor internal navigation on the internet, at least once or twice. Don’t you feel frustrated not to find the thing that you are looking for? Now imagine if a customer stumbles upon your website and finds it difficult to navigate around. Not only would you lose a customer, but your ranking would be affected as well. So, design a website on which your customers can easily browse through the products, services and other relevant information with ease.

  1. Use Tools Whenever Necessary

Today, the world is moving towards automation, including the SEO industry. And you will find a lot of premium tools to analyse everything about your website from an SEO standpoint. Tools such as Ahrefs, SemRush will generate reports and statistics revolving around your website’s performance on the internet. So, make sure to use these highly innovative tools and increase your rankings organically.

Here, we have covered our 6 eCommerce SEO strategies for your website. Need an expert to handle your eCommerce website’s SEO? Then hire GBIM Technologies today!

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